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You are not alone in the face of change

If you’ve experienced a longing for change, you are not alone. It is a natural reaction to the worry, fear and isolation that the Covid pandemic brought into our lives. It’s also normal to have some anxiety around re-entering the world and resuming your pre-pandemic life.

Covid has robbed us of control over our own lives in many ways, and now that we are ready to integrate back into work, friendships and communities, we’re still feeling a little lost and less joyful than we thought. We feel awkward and uncomfortable. And it’s not only about living as we did before, it’s also about the changes in our lives that Covid has been a catalyst for.

When I feel lost or out of control, I try to make sense of my emotions. I came across the term pandemic flux syndrome, which Dr Amy Cuddy and Jill Ellen Riley coined in the Washington Post. The article helped me understand why we’re feeling the way we do and made me feel less alone knowing that others feel exactly the same.

Pandemic flux syndrome refers to the emotional impact the virus has had on us. It explains the continuous cycle of hope and despair through each wave, and living in the face of uncertainty has been incredibly hard. Our bodies were not designed to cope with so much pressure for so long. Very often, when we are confused and anxious, we take control by looking for change.

Covid has channelled a lot of introspection for many people. Being isolated and living in so much chaos has directed our attention inwards, and I have seen many positive changes as a result thereof. The yearning for change does not discriminate. I have seen people in all phases of life wanting change, my daughter Gabi included. We spent many hours introspecting and working through various scenarios when Gabi asked to change schools in Grade 10. Of course, we wanted to be sure that she understood the consequences of her decision and that the change would give her what she was looking for.

Some people have been so overwhelmed that they have not been able to make necessary changes. Instead, the status quo has seemed the safer option
for now. But mostly, the pandemic has pushed us forward to make significant changes that were vital to living our best lives. In this newsletter, you will read some of the beautiful positive changes clients have made during this period.

I have also seen many people implementing small changes for big rewards. I count myself in this category with my running routine. I have shared my running goals with you before, and I still run four times per week – even when I don’t really feel like it on a particular day. Without fail, I feel so much better on the days that I do run.

If you have made changes – big or small – that have left you feeling inspired and grateful, please share it with us. We would love to hear them!

Change is inevitable – that is certain. But if you have decided to put essential change on hold, don’t despair. We are all doing the best we can, and it’s important to be kind to yourself and those around you. Big decisions should also not be taken lightly. It takes a whole lot of introspection and the support of important people in your life. Ask your Retiremeant™️ Specialist to partner with you to guide you through the change and how it affects your Plan. I hope the stories in this newsletter inspire you to weather the storm of change.

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