Our Definition of
For us, RetiremeantTM means having the freedom to achieve your yet unfulfilled dreams and goals, on your terms and in your own time.
Our Definition of
For us, RetiremeantTM means having the freedom to achieve your yet unfulfilled dreams and goals, on your terms and in your own time.
Our Philosophy
Retirement is a defunct idea. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
We cannot choose how many years we will live, but we can choose how much life we can infuse into those years. The transition into retirement brings with it uncertainty, not only from a financial perspective, but also from a time perspective. In our experience, the two most frequently asked questions for people nearing retirement is: “Will I have enough money to retire on?” and “What will I do with my time?”
While money is important, at Retire Successfully we believe that retirement is about so much more – because whether you are a millionaire or on a government grant, you have the same amount to spend in retirement: 168 hours per week. Our vision is to help you see RetiremeantTM as a start rather than an end; as plump with possibilities rather than a narrowing of life; as a chance to make dreams come true.
Because human beings are living longer than ever before, at least a third of our lives may well be spent in retirement; yet many people spend more time planning their annual holiday than planning for this transition. When you were younger, you may have made plans regarding your tertiary education, your career and family. Now, you need carefully to consider not only the financial aspects of retirement but also the lifestyle you desire – how you would like to live out the next chapter of your life.
Why we added the “A” to RetiremeantTM?
At Retire Successfully, retirement has become RetiremeantTM. The reason? The “A” reminds us not only to consider our finances, but to also to plan for a meaningful experience in this chapter. We believe that you can retire with both meaning and money and that your money should enable the life you want to live in your RetiremeantTM years.
You may have the money you need to retire, or at least planning to have it in the years ahead, but it’s just one part of the picture. Retiring is not an economic event. It is a life event – what will that life look like for you?
RetiremeantTM is a beginning and not the beginning of an end.
Life is filled with a multitude of activities that demand your time, and you have been required to play a range of roles through the years. RetiremeantTM has the potential to be one of the most exciting times of your life as, in most cases, it gives you the best of both worlds – flexibility of time, yet fewer of the numerous responsibilities you previously had. Your transition into RetiremeantTM can provide an exhilarating opportunity for you to redesign your life in the way that you want it to be.
A holistic RetiremeantTM Plan is one where money and meaning meet.
A RetiremeantTM Plan comprises three important parts: a Life Plan, a Financial Plan and an Estate Plan to support the ideal picture of your life. Your Financial Plan and the Plan you have for your life are intertwined, so the way you structure your investments depends on what you want to do with your money.
The aim is to merge your money with meaning – the life you want to live. This is your time to consider exactly how you want your life to look like. Once you have mapped out your expectations for the next chapter of your life, your money can be structured in such a way as to support your dreams and aspirations for RetiremeantTM.
In this way, you get money to work for you. And money means something; it’s the means of achieving your vision for your RetiremeantTM years. We believe that it is important to plan for your life first, to understand what your life would look like if it turned out well. Then decide how to invest your money to give you the life you envision having.
BALANCE is vital in achieving success in your RetiremeantTM.
Your life consists of many facets and some may be more important to you than others, but if you neglect one area of your life it can affect the others. For example, having excellent personal relationships would be of little value if your health were poor and you weren’t able fully to enjoy those who are important to you.
That is why, in order to feel fulfilled in your next chapter, it is important that you consciously consider all elements of your life that come into play at this point: work, play, relationships, health, learning, purpose and giving-back.
Retire on purpose, with purpose
Feeling relevant and useful is crucial to feeling fulfilled. When people retire without a plan and lose their purpose, they become disconnected and depressed. This means you have to plan. Thoroughly planning your RetiremeantTM takes the unknown element out of the equation and gives you a sense of control. Your life in this chapter can be what you want it to be – and more. The secret is in the planning.
How This Website Can Help You
Retire Successfully isn’t only the name of our website; it’s the reason we get up in the morning. That’s why we created a website dedicated to helping you plan for and take advantage of opportunities, whether you are near, at, or in RetiremeantTM.
The Retire Successfully website is bursting with comprehensive lifestyle information; its a resource for sharing stories and connecting with others in the same space.
Our team of Retirementors – passionate South African professionals that have been handpicked as experts in their field, helps you live the most fulfilled life possible in retirement. Our client bloggers enthusiastically share their stories of how they are creating a meaningful RetiremeantTM. No one that is featured has paid to be on this site, and no one ever will!
In addition, our monthly Inflight newsletter and weekly RetiremeantTM Tips offer inspirational insights all centred around the Wheel of Balance and living a balanced and meaningful life in retirement. The eBooks are free to download and are useful guides to making your money work for you in this chapter of your lives.
Don’t miss our Brand Ambassador Kim Potgieter’s blogs called Courageous Currency Conversations, inspiring readers to assess and understand their relationship with money – it’s about aligning your money with meaning to enable positive and powerful transitions.
Our dream is to redefine retirement in this country, and to transform the way South Africans retire.
How This Website Can Help You
Retire Successfully isn’t only the name of our website; it’s the reason we get up in the morning. That’s why we created a website dedicated to helping you plan for and take advantage of opportunities, whether you are near, at, or in RetiremeantTM.
The Retire Successfully website is bursting with comprehensive lifestyle information; its a resource for sharing stories and connecting with others in the same space.
Our team of Retirementors – passionate South African professionals that have been handpicked as experts in their field, helps you live the most fulfilled life possible in retirement. Our client bloggers enthusiastically share their stories of how they are creating a meaningful RetiremeantTM. No one that is featured has paid to be on this site, and no one ever will!
In addition, our monthly Inflight newsletter and weekly RetiremeantTM Tips offer inspirational insights all centred around the Wheel of Balance and living a balanced and meaningful life in retirement. The eBooks are free to download and are useful guides to making your money work for you in this chapter of your lives.
Don’t miss our Brand Ambassador Kim Potgieter’s blogs called Courageous Currency Conversations, inspiring readers to assess and understand their relationship with money – it’s about aligning your money with meaning to enable positive and powerful transitions.
Our dream is to redefine retirement in this country, and to transform the way South Africans retire.
A word from our Brand Ambassador Kim Potgieter
Co-founder of Retire Successfully
I created Retire Successfully because, as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®, I was frustrated by the number of people approaching retirement planning with only finances in mind. In my experience, those who retire most successfully are those who have a clear vision of how they would like to live during their retirement years. People with no clear plan of what their retirement will look like, find the transition far more difficult.
Since World War II, the average life expectancy has increased dramatically. Unlike those before them, people retiring today can expect a retirement lasting 30 years or more. Failing to plan for an active retirement is equal to setting oneself up for a difficult retirement. This is where Retire Successfully hopes to help.
Through the years, I have learnt that life is too short to put your dreams on hold for when you retire. My father put off living his life to the full, thinking that he would have the time to follow his dreams once he retired. Sadly, he died at the relatively young age of 59 in a senseless hijacking and never got to enjoy the money he had so carefully put aside. My mother’s life was also cut short by cancer at the age of 62 and she too was denied this opportunity.
Seeing my parents lose out on the opportunity to enjoy the things they had planned to do in the second chapter of their lives inspired my passion to help people achieve their goals and dreams, instead of focusing solely on their finances until it’s too late.
This has also led to writing my first book Retiremeant: get more meaning from your money (Jacana) and establishing my own website Kim Potgieter with the vision to help people assess and understand their relationship with money. In this way, my wish is to create a mindshift where people are able to align their money with meaning to enable positive and powerful transitions.
This website is devoted to all of you – who have the liberating opportunity to Retire Successfully!
Best wishes