Review of “Same as Ever” by Morgan Housel
You may recognise the name of this month’s author: Morgan Housel wrote the hugely popular The Psychology of Money, which we reviewed in the March 2023 edition of Inflight. In this subsequent offering, he sets out to identify what never changes in a changing world.
Morgan Housel delves into history to discover what has remained consistent over time. This includes the sobering fact that the future will always serve up surprises and, as he states in his initial chapter, “much of the world hangs by a thread”.
The book is divided into 23 short chapters, each with a punchy title, such as “Calm Plants the Seeds of Crazy”, “Risk Is What You Don’t See”, “Casualties of Perfection”, and “Wounds Heal, Scars Last”. They all revolve around human nature and motivations, as well as repeating cycles or trends – economic and otherwise.
As he does in The Psychology of Money, Housel weaves real-life stories and examples into each chapter to flesh out his concepts and includes numerous famous names – with mavericks like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk featured in the chapter entitled “Wild Minds”. Quotations from Benjamin Franklin to best-selling author James Clear (“People follow incentives, not advice.”) add credence to the topic “Incentives: The Most Powerful Force in the World”.
Compounding is a favoured theme in The Psychology of Money. In Same as Ever, it pops up in his premise that most catastrophes and major achievements result from a series of tiny events that combine to make a big impact. In another echo of his earlier book, Same as Ever also makes the point that nothing worth pursuing ever comes without a price in some form or the other. “Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast” discusses both nature and business – and the failures produced when combined with this trio of excess.
Although the individual chapters in this book don’t seem to flow quite as well as those in The Psychology of Money, Same as Ever certainly gives you food for thought about recurring patterns and behaviours over time.
Both Same as Ever and The Psychology of Money are available on a short-term loan from our Chartered client library.